Karin Maier, Businesswoman, Golf Coach, Life Coach, Mental Coach

Karin Maier, Golf Coach, Life Coach, Mental Coach and Business Coach
Discover your needs …
You are never too old for your passion to follow a calling
Coach & Trainer🎗️ Boss/CEO with ❤️ Help for self-help 🤗
Meditation 🙏 Natur 🍀 Health 🥥 Golfing🏌️♀️ Dance Sport 💃

It is important to me that everyone finds their happy life path and if problems arise, I like to help solve the problems by finding the cause. Although I do not pretend, everyone decides how to solve his problem with his means. It is important to be permanently happy and happy both at home and at work. Happiness is not a coincidence product. We can create it ourselves.
My “great love” belongs to young people, to guide them, to grow up healthy, to live a healthy life and to be free of fear and “healthy” in old age until we say god bye here..” -Karin Maier
From a certain point in your life, knowledge is no longer taken for granted and free of charge, brought to you. The same applies to constructive feedback and reflection of your personality in relation to your environment. Invest in your personal and private development and book now your individual coaching.
Award – Karin Maier was awarded the 2020 EARTH AMBASSADOR AWARD for holistic life counseling.
DUBAI | United Arab Emirates, 20. January 2020
Miss Karin Maier is a member of the GLOBAL CITIZEN CLUB of the WORLD LEADERS FORUM DUBAI, which is published and promoted by the United Nation, World Urban Campaign during the UN-HABITAT-3 conference on 193 UN member countries as the GLOBAL CITIZEN CLUB (THINK & DO TANK ONLINE) CREATIVE NEW SOLUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE URBAN PLANS 2050 | City We Need 2050
World Leaders Forum Dubai (WLFD) is a leading independent global initiative for international exchange and inclusive collaboration to promote business development and social community solutions with a focus on building a sustainable world in peace.

Karin Maier was awarded the EARTH AMBASSADOR AWARD 2020 for successful holistic life counseling and the Advanced Practice Development Award for holistic inclusive life counseling.
Karin Maier demonstrated outstanding quality in life counseling using holistic means as a certified energy environment consultant and therapist based on yoga solan science.
Energy Consulting
Karin Maier, certified environmental consultant and therapist after the Yogasolanwissenschaft Yogasolan is the collective scientific doctrine of the Far Eastern original knowledge and the connection of the natural sciences, hence consideration of the matter and the underlying causes, which we call the mind. Thus, [...]
Life Counseling
Life counselling - pause, find your new way... #conscious life #conscious exhale #conscious timed here and now #conscious timed now Tips for life! There are many small and big tips for health, good life, life energy, chakra health, meridians in the flow... Consciousness, [...]
BrainCoach Dance
BrainCoach Dance: What does a BrainCoach do you might wonder? BrainCoach translated means brain trainer, as you certainly know. "Is it like a trainer who teaches mental training, where a variety of psychological methods can be used to achieve a certain goal through a [...]
BrainCoach Golf
BrainCoach Golf: What does a BrainCoach do you might wonder? BrainCoach translated means brain trainer, as you certainly know. "Is this something like a trainer who teaches mental training?", where a variety of psychological methods can be used to achieve a certain goal through [...]
Company Consulting
What is management consulting with a holistic approach? What motivates, motivates, and helps me to be professional today is in communication and understanding in the interpersonal realm. Hereby I help to find solutions for all tasks and problems together with my client, which then [...]